(Ethiopia)–A food crisis is also plaguing the East African country of Ethiopia. World Concern’s Kelly Miller says, they’re expanding programs in that drought stricken nation this month. He says the lack of food is forcing 15-million people to go hungry in that country alone. “What you see is a situation that is beyond what we’ve experienced from the emergency relief standpoint (than) in just about any point in history. It’s not that what you’re seeing are new dynamics, it’s just much more of it.” Miller is flying there January 28th to oversee their expansion plans, which he says will empower churches to be more evangelistically minded. He says the churches in the region are saying thank you. “Thank you for being here. Thank you for caring. Thank you for showing that love. We’d love to have more of that. And, from that the desire to establish two more churches was there for the Nazarene church. It’s a real tangible way to express, ‘We’re here, we care and we’re doing this in Christ’s name.'” Call our resource line to help. 1-800-995-4828