Story number 3 for 2 Aug 2002

By August 2, 2002

(Russia)–An evangelical missionary organization is excited about a people group that now has the Gospel witness. East-West Ministries John Maisel says the Kanti (Khan-tay) peoples now have a church planter. “These people are what you would really call blatant pagans. We have seen the first believer in the Kanti group come to Christ and then he began to lead several other people to Christ and now we have our first church plant.” Maisel says establishing churches is their number one goal where the Gospel isn’t being proclaimed. “To do that you’ve got to train national leaders, because some of these areas have never had any exposure to the Gospel and that means putting evangelistic teams in to win people to Christ.” They’re doing that through extension training programs, but funding is needed to educate more national leaders.

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