(International) An ever-increasing harvest and more opposition are two trends that will face missionaries in the decade ahead. That’s the word from Doctor David Shibley of Global Advance. Shibley believes we’re going to see the greatest harvest of souls in the history of the church. He tells us why he believes that. “The tremendous prayer initiatives of the 1990’s, the Praying Through the Window initiatives and many other prayer movements have had more people praying for the harvest through out the world than ever in history. And, now I believe the seeds of those prayers will bear much fruit in harvest during this decade.” That spiritual harvest will mean addition funds will be needed for training emerging leaders in evangelism and discipleship. However, that funding is already in short supply. “We accept approximately 50-percent of the invitations for Frontline Shepherd’s Conferences that we receive. That’s simply because we’re not able to accommodate the number of requests financially.”