Story number 2 for 4 Mar 2003

By March 4, 2003

(North Korea)–Elsewhere, as the nuclear showdown continues between North Korea and the United States, the propaganda machine has started rolling. On much of North Korea’s media, anti-Americanism has featured prominently. When asked if such sentiments may interfere with their work, Baptist World Aid’s Paul Montecute said their safety lies in being a valued asset in the country’s crisis. “Reports have come out that the nutritional factor amongst children and others has improved, but unless we can continue to get food in there, and medical equipment that is needed, then that trend could soon be reversed again.” Montecute says their ministry is fully fleshed at the point where need meets faith. “It’s a totally atheistic country, and really, there is no opportunity for verbally sharing the Gospel. But we believe that in what we’re offering to people, we are offering them the love of Christ, either in food stuff, or in medicine. They want to know ‘why the concern, why the interest?’ and that’s a clear opportunity to say that, as Christians, we love them.”

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