(India) — Next, many Christians around the world are getting ready to celebrate the birth of Christ. Bibles For the World‘s Rochunga Pudaite is as well. He’s in India and will be the keynote speaker of the Jesus Festival in New Delhi. “On the 30th of November I’ll be the main speaker for (an) Advent Christmas celebration, which will be attended by 6,000 people, mostly government workers and servants. In the previous times, most of the national leaders were in attendance in these meetings. It will also be televised.” Pudaite is asking people to pray that many will turn to Christ. And, as millions of Dalits continue to reject the Hindu faith, he’s also pleading for something else. “Right now, more than anything else, I need Bibles. I just have to have one million Bibles printed as soon as possible because the requests have been coming so heavy. And, if any of your audience can give something for Bibles I would be very grateful.”