Story number 2 for 28 Sep 2000

By September 28, 2000

Elsewhere, we have good news from China. China Partner’s Erik Burklin gives us an update on a story we’ve been following since May. “We were asked to come back and teach at a local seminary in Jiang Xi province. We met with Bishop Ting and he gave us the go ahead to continue the teaching ministry, which was great news compared to what we heard several months ago, when we arrived in two cities where they had invited us to come and teach and then found out that we were not able to teach.” Burklin says even as they head back to Jiang Xi province this week to begin another round of teaching at the seminaries, they are reflecting on the profound effect of prayer. “I think we as China Partner, for the first time, realized how much they have favored us with being able to do what we are doing, basically, for the last ten years. The greatest thing that people can pray for us for is that God would continue to give us wisdom in that we would be wise in how we operate in China.”

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