Story number 2 for 28 Feb 2003

By February 28, 2003

(USA)–Next, as President Bush is pushing for federal funding of faith based relief initiatives for the poor, an evangelical organization is pushing for more church involvement. Here’s Life Inner City’s Ted Gandy says churches have a Biblical obligation to get involved. “Many people want to do something, but they don’t know what to do. And so, Here’s Life Inner City recent has put together something called ‘Compassion By Command’ (, which is a innovative video based Bible study designed to motivate and train Christians to reach out to the poor in their communities.” According to Gandy there’s a lot people can do. “Teaching English as a second language. Doing job training, or life skills. Or, they may get involved in childcare. All those things are not ends in themselves, but because they’re caring in a compassionate way for people, it’s a tremendous opportunity to share Christ and lead people to the Lord.”

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