(India)–Meanwhile, the Dalits of India continue to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ after last year’s renouncing of their Hindu faith. Bibles for the World’s Rochunga Pudaite recently returned from India where just one of their missionaries has led 100 people to Christ. “Everyone of the converts who want to be baptized, they had to produce a certificate from the district magistrate that they had become followers of Jesus Christ entirely on their own voluntary will, without force or inducement. All of these people have produced that. This year we have already planted three churches around New Deli.” The need for Bibles is great, especially in light of what the leader of the untouchables told Pudaite. “He said to me, ‘It looks like what we’re doing is not really meeting our need to become Buddhist. We need something more than what Buddhism offer(s).’ We are facing the greatest opportunity that we are ever going to have in India.”