Story number 2 for 23 May 2002

By May 23, 2002

(Angola)–We turn next to Angola, where thousands are close to starvation, straining relief efforts aimed at heading off one of Africa’s worst humanitarian crises in a decade. Yet, the peace accords are holding, much to the relief of agencies who are trying to help. Trans World Radio’s Rich Greene. “Trans World Radio, not only wants to minister spiritually to the needs of people, but we also, beginning in June, want to bring food and clothing to a people who are desperate to stay alive. We want to give to them as much as we can physically, so that, spiritually, we can also have an impact on their daily lives.” Greene says this outreach is an open door for evangelism, but they need help. “The costs of trying to get enough food and clothing is just a mammoth undertaking. So, if people are able to give towards this project, we would certainly encourage people to earmark special funds to be able to give food and clothing, as well as radios, to people so they can hear the good news of the Gospel.”

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