Story number 2 for 2 Jun 2003

By June 2, 2003

(Vietnam)–Next, an international human rights group points out Vietnam’s situation continues to deteriorate, with the government maintaining its crackdown against political and religious dissidents. International Bible Society team members say the risk to support the body of Christ in the country grows, but they’re maintaining careful watch. IBS’s Hans Lennart Raask shares encouraging news. “Vietnam is not the easiest country to reach with the Bible but we have it in print and I know that it is in distribution in Vietnam today. That is mainly working through partnerships where we are not involved with the actual distribution ourselves.” Believers in Vietnam share solidarity with other Christians who face persecution. Raask says the biggest danger is discouragement. “It is a very tough country but also we get reports about a growing church and we want to support it in every way we can the struggling church in that country.”

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