(Central Asia)–Meanwhile, an evangelical group is investing its time into planting churches in restricted access countries around the world. East/West Ministries International’s John Maisel says they’re working in about 20 countries around the world, including the Muslim world. “To militant Muslim countries, we’ve got a very aggressive work in the whole Central Asian are there, that’s probably one of our most significant works. And, we’ve probably seen more Muslims come to Christ in the last 3 to 5 years then probably in the last 30 to 40 years. So, there’s a real receptivity to the Gospel that I think is very special in this time in history.” East/West Ministries helps establish churches in these regions by spending three to five years with them. “And help them to begin to get their roots down, become self supporting, develop other ministries to make that church a holistic church as it relates to reaching their community for Christ.”