(India)–Meanwhile, missionary leaders believe the earthquake in India may be the biggest breakthrough in evangelism in a long time in that Hindu country. Words of Hope’s Lee DeYoung says many Hindu leaders believe the quake may have been a judgement from God for the state of Gujarat persecution of Christians. “We didn’t think that. We would not say that. But, to hear somebody from the group, really, that has been involved in creating this persecution kind of environment is really quite a striking thing to hear and it suggests that God may have planted that in his mind. What ever the case, it’s there.” DeYoung says these kinds of catastrophes can help radio ministry be more effective. However, finances are need to make it more successful. “We need to be able to pay for a number of things from air time to equipment. We hope to build new broadcast teams in some languages that we’re not doing now. So, all of those take resources and the support of God’s people.”