Story number 1 for 8 Mar 2002

By March 8, 2002

(Zimbabwe)–Headlining today’s news, Christians are concerned for their safety on the eve of Saturday’s elections in Zimbabwe. Karen Hawkins with Bible Pathway Ministries says officials associated with the current president have threatened one of their pastors for helping church members forced off their property by state-sanctioned invasions of white-owned farms. “His concern is right now, because of the elections, the president has said if he doesn’t get to stay in that there will be retribution. And, this pastor and his church and family would very much be a part of that.” Hawkins says this potential for violence won’t stop their work. “We will continue to send in Bibles and Bible Pathway. If doors are shut so that things can’t go in as it is in some countries, then it will be more difficult. But, we’ll continue to send the Bible and Bible Pathway and pastors libraries as long as we can.” Additional funding and donations of new and used Bibles are needed to help this program.

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