Story number 1 for 7 Mar 2001

By March 7, 2001

(Mozambique)–Our newscast begins today in Mozambique where flooding damages have reached a critical stage. The government has declared a state of disaster and say over three hundred thousand people have been displaced and are in urgent need of food, shelter and other aid. Food for the Hungry’s Beth Allen says they’re helping four accommodation centers. “Food for the Hungry is also distributing some food to these people. One of our biggest concerns right now is to help people find clean drinking water in the accommodation camps. Whenever you have flooding, that’s always a huge concern-and we’ll basically have to bring in some water purification units or something to be able to help them be able to purify their water.” Allen says their relief work allows them to share the Gospel. However: “I think that one of the best things that we can do right now, as Christians, is simply to pray for this situation. Remember that this is the second year in a row that they will have lost all of their crops. We’re dealing with people who are numb with grief and with loss.”

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