(China)–Topping the news, with China’s new President set to take over this spring, Christian organizations in China are hoping for the best. Eric Burklin serves with China Partner. “I’m sure that initially he will prove to the state and to the communist regime that he can be very strong but I think after several years he might even loosen up and I think there is great opportunity for the Gospel to move even further. I believe that eventually some of these restrictions that we know of today that relate to religious groups will be softened.” Burklin says the government has an eye in some parts of China where the church is growing. “We do hear from different government officials that they are concerned about that fast growth and I think they are more concerned about those Christian groups that are growing that are unregistered. On the positive side I have had government officials tell me that they actually are appreciating the fact that churches are being built in certain areas.” China Partner is constructing a seminary that will allow more students to have Bible training.