Topping today’s news, mission workers in Chechnya say the fall of Grozny is the
opportunity of a millennium to reach Chechens for Christ. Russian Ministries’
George Law says they’re working with mostly Muslim Chechen. “These people now
are seeing Christians provide them with help, with bread, with Bibles or scripture
portions, with care, with blankets to warm them. And they’re beginning to realize there
is a difference between the traditional, nominal Orthodox Church and Evangelical
Christianity. And they are excepting this and to our amazement, people are coming to
Christ.” Some 800,000 refugees have fled Chechnya during the years of fighting
between Russians and Chechen rebels. “Pray for the missionaries that are down there
they’re working in difficult situation. The work is not without danger. We also want to
pray for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. There is going to be hate for generations
to come and only the Gospel is going to be able to overcome that.”