(Pakistan)–We begin today in Pakistan where the Voice of the Martyrs says there has been good news in a blasphemy case. VOM has learned that Ayub Masih, the accused Christian has successfully filed with the Pakistan Supreme Court. VOM’s Tom Tremble says the case against Masih has led to some questions. “The sources that we’ve been able to contact, and the family itself believe that it was more of a dispute over land, than it was over whether Mohammed was a true prophet or not. So, we believe there were false charges.” The Court reconvenes on September 1rst and the defense has requested that Ayub Masih’s case be advanced. Tremble says believers in Pakistan are asking for support. “Pray for Ayub Masih, that he would find favor with the Supreme Court of Pakistan, that the charges against him would be dropped, and that he would be freed. And, pray for his safety.” Tremble believes overt evangelism is stifled under the blasphemy law, however, the Gospel goes forward.”