(Congo–Kinshasa)–Topping the news, a rift is appearing between the two sides who have signed the “Sun City” peace deal in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Tensions are on the rise, and Food For the Hungry’s Beth Allen says they’re being realistic about this longevity of this agreement. “Just because there’s a peace accord signed on paper doesn’t mean that it’s going to happen. Not all of the factions are necessarily in agreement with it. We’re very, very hopeful that the peace will continue, that areas that have suffered violence will become more stable and that we’ll be able to work.” But, Allen says security has improved and there are plans for an aid distribution. What’s more, it’s the first step to helping churches evangelize their communities. “It will allow us to be sharing the Gospel in deed and also to be strengthening the existing church so that it can reach out as well. When churches are distracted, when church members are distracted by things like war, and violence and fear, and churches are divided, the church can’t grow.”