Story number 1 for 25 Mar 2003

By March 25, 2003

(Middle East)–We begin today in the Muslim world where Operation Iraqi Freedom isn’t stopping Christians from doing evangelistic work. Evangelist
Sammy Tippit urges prayer for the many Christians in the region, reasoning: “There is a strong Islamic radical movement that is growing. I think with the situation today, we need to pray for the Christians in those countries that they would be willing to move out, armed with the love of God and that many people would come to know Christ.” According to Tippit, there are opportunities to share the Gospel because many have nominal Islamic faith. “They’re like perhaps, many Americans, in the sense that they’re a member of a particular religious group, but have no clue what their faith is all about. There’s an emptiness-a hunger that’s left in the hearts of the people, and only the love of Jesus Christ can fill that hunger.” Tippit is traveling to the Muslim world next month. Pray that many will turn to Christ as a result.

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