(Congo)–We begin today in the Congo where the worst volcanic activity in a quarter century has destroyed Goma and devastated a ministry. Christian Blind Mission International lost three projects to the lava flow. What’s worse, continued tremors may further damage what is left standing. CBMI’s Alan Harkey. “In terms of CBMI, projects/ properties, the situation is terrible. Our infrastructure has all been but wiped out. Frankly, we’re going to need significant and generous financial help from as many Christians as possible. We need to immediately supply mobile clinics to take care of the injured.” Harkey describes the scene as ‘catastrophic’, adding that the loss went deeper than things. He says this is the time for the comfort of the spirit. “As we’re repairing eyes, or broken limbs, our missionary doctors are able to, right in the midst of the maelstrom of confusion, they’re able to share Christ. “