(Iran)–Iran headlines today’s news as it’s the focus of an unprecedented evangelistic outreach. Evangelist Sammy Tippit says he’s hoping to beam evangelistic messages into the country via satellite television. Tippit says the country’s is already primed for this kind of change. “You have a people uprising taking place in Iran. This could be very close to what happened in Romania and Eastern Europe. We have been training leaders inside Iran and they feel like things are very close. We believe they ought to have the opportunity to hear the Gospel, because right now people are responding, they’re looking, they’re searching.” Tippit says satellite television will be an affective way to reach Iranians with the Gospel. “80-percent of the population in Iran have satellite dishes, even though it’s illegal. Not only that, 70-percent of the population is under 30.” Funding is quickly being raised to get the programming on the air.