(Kazakhstan)–Headlining today’s news, evangelical missionary organizations are concerned about a proposed law in Kazakhstan, which could cause problems for outreach there. The Bridge International’s R-K Ulrich says the legislation would amend current religious law making evangelism difficult. “There are very stringent regulations that are coming, as far as what registration papers you need to have. And, if you are not a member of such an organization, you are not free to go out and evangelize. You have to have permission to go out, and if you don’t do so then you could get a jail sentence of one year.” Ulrich adds that the president of Kazakhstan can be influenced, so she’s encouraging Christians to get involved. “They do not want to be at odds with the West, so the best thing we can do as Christians is to write a letter of protest.” Call our resource line or visit our web site to find out where to write.
(Call 954-916-0521 or email [email protected] to find out where to write.)