Story number 1 for 18 Jul 2002

By July 18, 2002

(Nepal)–Headlining today’s news, Buddhists in Nepal are accusing Christians of being Maoist terrorists. The accusations in one case forced a Christian worker with Gospel For Asia to leave town. Gospel For Asia’s K-P Yohannan. “[In] some places, these police officers are radical Buddhists and they simply use this occasion to harass and keep our workers from preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” Yohannon says the situation is worsening in some areas. He adds that the work of missionaries is difficult, and asks for prayer support. “Pray that God will keep the door open; secondly, that God will give boldness and courage for our missionaries to continue the journey, in spite of threat and even martyrdom. Then I pray that God would awaken the body of Christ here, in North America, to stand in the gap.”

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