Israel tops today’s news as talk of peace permeates the Middle East. During emergency peace talks yesterday Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak warned of possible chaos in the Middle East without a breakthrough. The General Secretary of Baptist World Alliance Denton Lotts is calling on the world to pray. “It’s our concern as Baptists and as Christians world-wide that we call our people to peace, and not only pray for peace, but to work for peace. Of course, we’re a minority in the Middle East and therefore religious freedom is high on our list, but where there’s war and conflict everybody has a problem with religious freedom.” Lotts doesn’t expect this round of violence to push people to the Messiah, Jesus Christ. “They’re open to any group that can come in and be peacemakers and bring in reconciliation. But, I think that both positions have hardened so fundamentalists on both sides have highlighted their emphases. I would hope that the Christians can be reconcilers, but if we’re involved in taking sides it would make it difficult for any Christian witness in that area.”