Headlining today’s news, election violence in Egypt didn’t prevent Gospel meetings from starting there yesterday. Mission Network News’ Greg Yoder was at the event in Cairo. “People here weren’t thinking about the 12 people that died in election violence. And, it didn’t stop Sammy Tippit from coming to Egypt to share the Gospel. Tippit spoke on Christ, the sure foundation when facing storms. He says this could be the beginning of an historic event.” They’re expecting 120,000 people throughout the nation and over 600 churches to hear the Gospel. If so, this will be perhaps one of the largest meetings ever in the Middle East, so we’re excited about what God is going to do.” The churches are being linked via video tape. Tonight 261 people made decisions for Christ at this Cairo church alone. It’s unknown how many responded at other churches. Greg Yoder, Mission Network News, Cairo.”