(Philippines)–We begin today in the Philippines where New Tribes missionary Martin Burnham made an “on-air” appearance on the radio over the weekend. That’s the word from New Tribes spokesman Scott Ross. “We were encouraged to hear Martins voice. He was able to give birthday greetings to his daughter. Martin also indicated that they were doing as well as can be expected. They were tired and weary of the environment and some constant moving that’s been taking place.” Burnham and his wife Gracia have been held hostage since May 27th. A recent report quotes rebel leaders as saying they’re kill the missionaries if the Philippine military doesn’t stop its offensive. Ross refutes that claim. “Our reading of the transcripts we see no death threat on the part of the Sayyaf group toward (the) Burnhams. Abu Sabaya at one point say that they are safe with him and that the threat really is from military engagements.” Ross is asking Christians to pray for the Burnhams safety as military action continues.