(India)–Our newscast begins today in India, the nation with the largest share of leprosy cases in the world. Officials plan to launch the second phase of its leprosy elimination project with 30 million-dollars from the World Bank. What this means for the work of American Leprosy Missions, Chris Doyle explains. “It just compliments what’s already being done there by organizations like American Leprosy Mission, other Christian organizations as well as non-Christian, non-profits. There’s a lot of energy right now because the government is strongly committed to doing all that they can to eliminate the leprosy situation there.” Doyle says work in this vein often opens the door for the hope of Christ. “The door is open now for organizations that would want to come in and partner with the government, help support their efforts, and at the same time, look for opportunities for Christian witness and we see those opportunities there if we can mobilize the national churches.”