Story number 1 for 13 Feb 2001

By February 13, 2001

(Israel)–Our newscast begins today in Israel where prime minister-elect Ariel Sharon is trying to forge a coalition amidst clashes in the Middle East. Jews for Jesus’ Susan Perlman says despite the violence, many believers feel they need to give Sharon’s plan a chance to work. “If Sharon is able to effect a unity government in Israel, this would be a very good thing for evangelism there because the unity government involving labor would not give small, orthodox parties the kind of leverage that they’ve had at times in the past to put forth some anti-missionary legislation.” Perlman says believers need to pray for the emerging peace process. “The only hope for lasting peace in the Middle East is going to come when Jews and Palestinians can both say ‘I love you in Jesus’ name’. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and know that as Jews and Arabs come to faith in Jesus, that they can be a testimony in the land.”

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