(Congo)–Topping the news, scientists say there’s a marked increase of seismic action in the sister volcano to the one that buried Eastern Congo’s Goma in lava. A major concern is now seismic activity under Lake Kivu. The lake could emit toxic gases, posing “a lethal threat” to the people near the lake. Grace Ministries International’s Sam Vinton says they’re concerned for the refugees. “I do not know exactly what would happen if there was an influx of several hundred thousand; and I’m not sure all of them would come to Bukavu. Rwanda would have some who would go that direction, but I think it would really add a very difficult problem in the city of Bukavu, which is already overcrowded with all these people who have fled there.” Vinton says believers are rising to the challenge. “I think we need to pray two-fold; [for] the well being of these people who are going through this turmoil-[offer] help that might be of a physical nature. And, then for the churches to come alive and say, ‘this is an opportunity that God has given to us, as terrible as this situation is, at least we have something to offer in the spiritual sense.'”