International (MNN) — Have you ever wondered how sponsored children respond when they first receive the good news that someone will help provide for them?
Compassion International shares a video of Halena Asti, a girl who has been waiting a long 18 months for a sponsor. “My friends have all received their sponsors, so my heart feels sad because I don’t yet have a sponsor of my own,” she says.
Thousands of kids around the world like Asti are waiting and hoping to be sponsored. It’s agony for those children who are watching others around them being chosen.
It’s also hard on their families. For the parents, it’s heart wrenching to watch a child waiting anxiously for a sponsor and be disappointed. And it’s difficult for the family as they continue to struggle with economic instability.
Asti’s mother shares, “Every time she says to me, ‘Why don’t I have a sponsor like the other children? Mama, I always pray that I will get one.’ I say to her, ‘Wait, my child. God will provide.’”
In Asti’s case, He did.
In the video, Compassion workers reveal to her and her parents the good news, and along with it, a letter from her sponsor. Their response to the good news: tears of joy.
Asti’s mother praised Jesus for His provision. “My child is so blessed to be included in the Compassion program. I feel so proud. Even though I don’t deserve this response, God has responded. I could never have dreamed we could finally receive a sponsor. I feel so proud and am moved to these tears. I have never known such success as this.”
It’s a miracle to have someone halfway around the world–a complete stranger–pray for children, write to them, and sponsor them. It really makes a difference in every way: spiritually, emotionally, and economically.
If God’s calling you to sponsor one of the thousands who need your help, click here. Would you also pray that God will more in the hearts of more believers to sponsor children?
A Compassion worker says, “I am believing that all our children will receive sponsors, as God stirs the hearts of people to care for these children.” Click here to learn more.