Senegal (MNN/BP) — 5 million Wolof people live in Senegal and Gambia, West Africa. They’re proud, assertive and overwhelmingly Muslim.
The Southern Baptist International Mission Board estimates there are fewer than 100 Wolof believers. That’s why IMB missionaries Elliot and Pat Nichols are working there.
Each Tuesday the Nichols’ travel to a nearby Wolof village where a village chief has given them permission to teach 52 chronological Bible stories. But, each Tuesday, sickness, pain or mechanical trouble would prevent them from going to the village. It seemed coincidental; until it became obvious spiritual forces were at work.
“We don’t believe there’s a demon under every tree, ” Elliott says, “but on Tuesdays it was just not natural. We realized this was an attack of the evil one.”
But, with the prayers of God’s people, they persevered and began visiting the village regularly, but with what appeared to be little results. However, the people are listening. After the showing of the JESUS Film, many villagers sat silently. Others cried. While no one in the village has publicly followed Christ, the Nichols’ believe it’s only a matter of time.
Pray that the few Wolof believers would be bold in sharing their faith passionately. Pray that God would use dreams and other means to show Himself to the Wolof.