Mozambique (MNN)–Trans World Radio says a special wind-up radio distribution in Mozambique is meeting with great success.
The project came about as the result of a natural disaster in the region five years ago. Many people lost everything they owned in the floods that ravaged southern Mozambique.
Because poverty is also rampant, people could not afford to replace their lost household goods, which included their radios.
Added to that, the complication that many of the villages were remote, making the replacement goods scarce. But church partners launched a special fund to deal with that. As a result, 100 Grundig FR200 radios were purchased and imported from a supplier in the United States.
Churches, partner organizations and Christian groups working with villages in southern Mozambique distributed the radios in a way that would allow TWR to keep track of the radios and the listeners.
Teams report that villagers gather around a radio to listen to TWR’s Christian programming together. Because many are illiterate, the programs substitute as their Bible.