Ecuador (MNN) — The goal of HCJB Global for the Latin American region is to equip and mobilize the church to reach out with the Gospel in their region and across cultures. This weekend, HCJB Global will participate in an indigenous-led effort to foster even more outreach to the uttermost parts of the world.
Speaking from Ecuador, President of HCJB Global Wayne Pederson says the ministry is participating in the launch of Corrientes, the Spanish word for "currents," which implies movement, hope, and vision. He says it is "uniting the agencies and denominations and missionary organizations — some of the collaborative ministries here — to bring the believers in Latin America together to reach their own culture with the Gospel of Jesus and to reach out cross-culturally around the world."
Pederson says Latin American Christians are uniquely positioned. "Latinos can get in to areas of the world that North Americans can't. The Latin American church is a huge army of believers that if equipped and mobilized can be very effective in sharing the Gospel around the world, in addition to reaching unreached people in their own country."
HCJB Global is using its convening power to launch Corrientes tomorrow. "We have representatives from all across the region that are coming together to launch this effort, "currents" flowing together to mobilize and unite the church to reach out."
With more and more Latin Americans taking leadership responsibilities, Pederson says HCJB Global is only playing a small part in the effort. "It's not North American HCJB saying, 'Here's how we're going to do it.' We want to convene the players around the table. HCJB Global will be one of the players, but we want the strategy and the leadership to come from the national church."
Because of that, Pederson hopes this strategy will be something that's carried on for years and possibly generations to come.
HCJB Global has already been involved in sending Latin Americans
cross-culturally. "We are already training people in health care that
have gone to Africa, India, and South East Asia, that are going to some
of the most unreachable places on the earth because Latinos are
accepted there."
While the kick-off of Corrientes is tomorrow, Pederson says it's just the beginning. He's asking for prayer: "Pray that there would be a great spirit of unity among the Christian leaders that come together. Pray that there would be a great passion to use the strength of the Latin American church. Pray that we would create an effective strategy that would enable us not only to reach lost people in this region, but to equip believers in this region to reach out around the world with the Gospel."