Guatemala (MNN/Kids Alive) — In a country known for its poverty and human trafficking stands Source of Hope, a school born out of a partnership between Kids Alive International and a local church, Iglesia Galilea.

(Image courtesy Kids Alive)
The school is located in the town of Zapote–an area where food, work, and education are in short supply.
Children at Source of Hope receive a solid education, health services, and a nutrition-based meal program–often the only real meals they receive each day.
The school began 10 years ago with 40 preschoolers and continues to grow.
For the first time in its history, 10 students are continuing on to high school at Source of Hope.
Through many of Kids Alive’s Guatemalan programs, including Source of Hope, students, kids, and their families are being introduced to Christ, in some cases for the first time.
Sharing Christ is a key to the curriculum. So when kids attend Source of Hope, they’re not just getting an education, they’re also getting a chance to meet Jesus. And you can help! Here’s how.