International (MNN)–Using an evangelism technique over a century old, E3 Partners has given the ‘Wordless Book’ a new face.
In 1866, Charles Spurgeon preached a sermon entitled “The Wordless Book.” In it he told of an old, unnamed minister who had put three pages together and often looked at them to remind himself of his sinfulness (black), of Christ’s blood poured out for him (red), and the cleansing provided (white).
As time passed, the gold page was added to depict the glories of Heaven. In 1900, according to Child Evangelism Fellowship, D.L. Moody began regularly using it in meetings. And in 1939, the green page was added to depict Christian growth.
Given the rich history of the “Wordless Book”, E3 Partners just released the EvangeBall, a soccer ball bearing the colors of the wordless book.
Teams can open doors to the message by using the ball to gather a group, play a soccer game, and use the colors to share about Jesus.
After the demonstration is over, the team leaves the ball in the community, along with a pump, needle and tracts explaining the Gospel message.
Click here if you want more details about the E3 Ball.
Good morning. My husband and I were missionaries in Mexico for 35 years and now the Lord has moved us to the Rio Grande Valley in Texas to work with the hispanics. We have now been here 2 years.
This year we are doing our Vacation Bible School on the Wordless Book theme and I was thinking that the E3 balls would be the perfect thing for the prizes for those who bring the most visitors during the week.
Would you please let me know how much they are, so I can see if we can afford them.
Thank you so very much,
Mrs. Jones