Southeast Asia (MNN) — FARMS International helps local churches by empowering Christian entrepreneurs. More about that here.
A church committee manages the microloan program, and believers repay their loans by tithing from the increase. Once a believer settles their debt, the church committee can start the loan process over again with another entrepreneur – like Sam.
“He’s taken out [a FARMS] loan to plant rubber trees in his field to provide jobs for believers under persecution,” says Caleb*, a FARMS International leader.
“A lot of these believers have been chased out of their villages and are not accepted back into society. They are hiding out at [the homes of] other Christian families or living in the jungles.”
By working for Sam, persecuted Christians can begin to support themselves. Plus, Sam wants to expand the program.
“In the future, he’ll start to bring animals in so that these persecuted Christians can have food and have [the] ability to raise animals and sell them for money,” Caleb says.
Ruth, another mission-minded believer in Southeast Asia, proactively seeks discipleship opportunities through her small business.
In Ruth’s country, many “people do not have money for (washing) machines, so they take their [laundry] to a business like hers,” Caleb explains.
Ruth used a FARMS loan to start her small laundromat a few years ago. Today, “she trains young ladies on how to run a business of washing clothes, ironing, drying clothes,” Caleb says.
“She also disciples and then sends [new believers] out to their communities so they can start little shops.”
You can help kickstart projects like these with a gift of any amount. Connect with FARMS International here.
“Pray for wisdom for these leaders and that they can come together as one family under God,” Caleb requests.
Header and story images courtesy of FARMS International.