Asia (Pioneers/MNN) — Have you ever wondered what difference missionaries and ministry workers actually make?

(Photo courtesy of Pioneers USA)
Well, their presence and delivery of the Gospel have changed entire communities and groups of people. Some missionaries have seen murderers be broken before God. Others have witnessed fathers or mothers putting down the bottle and loving their children and Christ unconditionally.
Their work has introduced millions of unreached people to the Body of Christ. People who never knew the name of Jesus have fallen in love with Him.
Pioneers USA shares the story of a Gospel worker in Asia that witnessed the movement of God.
A few weeks ago, the Pioneers worker (who also happens to be a pro-level skater) invited a group of unreached skaters into his home to read the Bible for the first time.
Rather than lead the lesson as he wanted to do, the worker let the young men find out what the text said about God’s character, trusting that God would make Himself known without his help.
Later, he witnessed the group retell the story of creation to a newcomer with incredible depth of understanding and insight. While their enthusiasm was encouraging, progress was slow, and he had yet to see the kind of life-transformation he was praying for. Still the study continued.

(Photo courtesy of Pioneers USA)
But a few weeks after he started Sunday services, the worker went for a walk around his neighborhood. As he passed a tea shop, he heard someone shouting his name. It was the owner of the tea shop, a Catholic woman who had also befriended the skaters, and she was running toward him. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO THOSE SKATERS?” she yelled. “ALL OF A SUDDEN THEY’VE BECOME SO INTERESTED IN GOD.”
Stunned by her volume as much as her words, the Pioneers worker tried to explain it was God’s doing, not his; but she didn’t seem to hear. “THE SKATERS WHO GO TO YOUR HOUSE ON SUNDAYS, ALL THEY DO IS TALK ABOUT GOD NOW. THEY ALWAYS ASK ME TO READ OUR BIBLE, BUT WE ONLY HAVE ONE. CAN YOU PLEASE GIVE US MORE?”
Still fighting the shock of what he was hearing (and how he was hearing it), he assured her he would bring her more Bibles. She continued, “THE SKATERS LOVE THE SUNDAY MEETINGS. THEY LOVE HOW SIMPLE IT IS TO READ THE BIBLE.” Then finally, shouting louder than she ever had, “THEY’VE ALL SUDDENLY CHANGED.”
Sometimes we get to witness God’s power firsthand; sometimes we only hear whisperings of it; and sometimes a tea shop owner shouts it in our ear on the Gospel-hungry streets of Asia. Whatever we are hearing, let us take heart and raise a shout of our own, for these sons of His were lost and are being found; they were dead and are coming alive.
And that is something to shout about!
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