USA (MNN) — “My heart is breaking over the reality of what Ted is facing and evangelicals as a whole,” says Byron Paulus, the Executive Director of Life Action Ministries, talking about the sin revelations of Pastor Ted Haggard over the weekend.
However, Paulus is saying something that may shock Christians today. “It’s probably more wide-spread in the hearts of God’s people than perhaps we want to admit or acknowledge.”
According to Paulus, many evangelical Christian leaders could be facing a similar fate as Ted Haggard. “Some 70-some percent have viewed pornography. We cannot expose ourselves to that level of sin and not allow it to ultimately affect our behavior. This is a huge issue.”
Unfortunately, Paulus says, this will have an impact on outreach because the, “lost world is watching our lives. They’re looking to see if we’re authentic, if we’re real, if our walk matches our talk.” He adds, “I think every time, frankly, that our walk does not match our talk, it becomes a deterrent, it becomes a wall and a barrier.”
Since Life Action has a single-minded focus to see God glorified through a revival among His people, Paulus is hoping Christians learn from the Haggard case. “Let’s use it as an opportunity for us to search our own hearts. With the integrity of our hearts and honesty and transparency, God is going to begin to do something powerful.”
Paulus says, however, that many evangelical churches stay clear of messages about confession of sin. “There is no revival apart from repentance. That’s not a popular message. It’s not an easy message, but it’s the only message that brings about an outpouring of the Spirit of God and it’s that outpouring of the Spirit of God is our only hope as a nation today.”
Life Action will be in 70 different locations helping the local churches toward personal and corporate revival. They do that through 4-day, 10-day and 14-day events.
If you’d like to have Life Action come to your church, go to LifeAction.org for more information.