International (MNN) — As the world continues to change, the world of missions continues to change. And, SIM International is gearing up to change with it. That’s the word from the General Director of SIM, USA Steve Strauss.
Strauss says, “We’re very much aware that our world (has) been changing in the last few years and that means the context for missions has changed. And, we want to make sure we’re not doing missions for a world that doesn’t exist any more. So, we’re in a process called, ‘seize the day’.”
One change is that churches in sending nations taking ownership in missions today. Strauss says since the Great Commission was intended for the church. “As an agency we want to be a servant and a partner with the church in fulfilling that. So, I would think that one of the directions that would immerge would be more flexible ways for us to partner with local churches.”
SIM is asking churches in two-thirds world nations and missiologists to help with the study. “I would anticipate that one of the outcomes of this will be that missions will be even less of the west to the rest at SIM than it has been in the past. We’ve always been a mission that’s tried to send people from everywhere to everywhere, but I think we’ll be even more so in the future.”
Strauss says this study will help SIM to get back to their roots. “SIM was born out of some radical thinkers at the end of the 19th century. Some young men and women who wanted to go out and plant churches on the edge, where others were not doing it. We want to live on the edge of where the Gospel still needs to be.”