International (MNN)–Buckner Orphan Care International has launched their 8th year of giving new shoes to children woldwide through their annual Shoes for Orphan Souls national campaign.
They have been providing humanitarian aid to orphans around the world since 1999 and last year they collected more than 215,000 new pairs of shoes through nationwide shoe drives. The shoes were given to children in more than 40 countries.
Individuals and organizations are encouraged to donate new shoes, along with $2 for shipping, or cash gifts of $25 to pay for shoes and distribution costs. Donated items should be for children ages 2-18 and should be new. Warm shoes and winter boots are especially needed. The organization also collects new socks and shoelaces of all sizes. Every pair of shoes make a big difference to that one child who receives them.
Shoe drives are held in all 50 states in the U-S and in Canada. Volunteers are also being sought to sort shoes in Dallas and accompany Buckner on shoe delivery missions. Buckner works with churches, civic groups, and businesses to collect new shoes and socks all year, but emphasizes the back-to-school month of August.
For more information call 877-7ORPHAN.