USA (MNN) — In Acts chapter one, Jesus tells His disciples they will by His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and “to the ends of the earth.”
The same command to share Christ with the world applies to today’s Christian, as well. And our “Jerusalem” might be the best place to start.
“We are really excited that the people in the states particularly are catching the vision to reach out to their communities, their Jerusalem and their Judea, and seeing opportunities to share the Word,” says Helen Williams with World Missionary Press.
One simple tool that can help you do that is World Missionary Press’ Scripture booklets. It costs World Missionary Press about five cents to print these non-denominational, exclusively Scriptural booklets, but they’re given away free to anyone who asks for them. This past summer the booklets especially made an impact.
“Summertime is a time of fairs, and city celebrations, and get-togethers, family reunions–all sort of separate events that you don’t have during the school year particularly,” Williams says. “So these are times when a lot of people see the opportunity to give out these Scripture booklets.
“We had a couple of ladies in here the other day from Chicago. There [was] a big parade for Labor Day in Chicago. They wanted thousands of booklets to just pass out to people along the parade route.”
For many, the booklets are taking root and changing lives. But even when their message is not completely understood, God is still using them to make a difference.
“We got an e-mail from a man working in the Cincinnati area, and he asked for some Scripture booklets,” Williams says. “They were doing outreach, and in that outreach, He
met an Ethiopian man; this man pulled out of his pocket one of our Scripture booklets which was old and battered and appeared to have been read. But this man really had no concept of what was in it. He needed someone to go through it with him.
“He had it for 14 years, and this man said, ‘I had a chance to go through it with him and explain the Gospel to him’…. We sent the order that he had asked for, and he called me a few days later and said…’I want to tell you that this man accepted the Lord.’”
Your evangelism experience doesn’t have to be that dramatic to make a difference: one small act can change a life for eternity.
“That’s what’s so exciting, because even what seems like the smallest opportunity…just that one person, so much can come from that and others can see it and kind of…catch the vision,” Williams says.
“People that have wanted to share their faith, people who have wanted to serve the Lord and not had a way and not known how to do it: this is their opportunity…. This makes it possible for them. And so it blesses them as well, and they’re established even more in their own faith because they know that they’re sharing the Word.”
It doesn’t take much to produce these booklets, but the cost is fully dependent on donations. Can you help World Missionary Press continue to produce vital spiritual resources? Click here to learn more about World Missionary Press and ways you can help.
Praying God will richly bless you spiritually and financially.
2Corinthiams 9:8
8 And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed;