USA (MNN) — Christmas can be the most wonderful time of the year. We spend time shopping for loved ones, getting cards in the mail, making special goodies for the neighbors, and having parties. During this season, however, we need to remember the real reason for celebrating is the birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ. It's actually the best time of the year to share that good news with others, says Ron Hutchcraft of
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries.
Jesus Christ came to earth on the ultimate rescue mission. "The name of Jesus means 'God rescues,'" Hutchcraft says. "So if we are really going to do what Christmas is, we're going to say, 'You know that this is a great time of year–yeah, the best time of year–to tell people about Jesus.'"
Hutchcraft continues, "There is never a time of the year when hearts are softer, when people are more open, and when Jesus is more on everybody's radar. You can't get away from Him." RHM offers "Personal Rescue Kits" to help reach others for Christ throughout the Christmas season. Tools and resources can be found on the RHM Web site, such as booklets taken from Hutchcraft radio broadcast programs and inspirational thoughts that can be given to those who need to be uplifted.
Many around us are hurting, and this time of year can be the most difficult, for some. It's a great opportunity to share the hope of Christ. Hutchcraft suggests throwing a Christmas party and inviting friends that don't know Christ as their Savior to your home. Or send out cards with special Christ-centered messages. Ron also encourages using Facebook as a means of expressing what Christ and this time of the year really mean to you.
Hutchcraft says, "What we are really excited about is equipping you as a believer to capture the Christmas season as a time to capture hearts for Jesus Christ, and to even provide a Christmas rescue kit." Click here to get your "Personal Rescue Kit" and join in Christ's rescue mission.