Ukraine (MNN) – Churches in Ukraine are continuing to try and meet the needs of people living in the crossfire of the Ukrainian Crisis.
Living in conflict

2014’s fighting in Ukraine catches civilians right in the middle. (Photo courtesy SGA via Facebook)
Slavic Gospel Association’s Vice President of Ministry Operations, Eric Mock, was recently in the country. He shares what the current situation is at the frontlines of fighting.
“Even though we don’t hear much about Ukraine, the fighting is every day up and down this line. And even though they’re not supposed to continue this (the fighting) the reality is that it does happen and people are dying every day.”
People living in the conflict zone of Ukraine never know what moment will be their last. As Mock says, artillery indiscriminately hits homes. Sometimes, the artillery doesn’t even need to hit a home to destroy it.
“Shells land next to houses and the percussion of the shell going off is so great that it destroys the roof and the electrical systems of houses nearby,” Mock explains. “We’re talking about artillery shells that would hit in the middle of the house and kill everyone in the house.”
Yet, some people are still choosing to not abandon their homes. For some, it’s because they are older and have a hard time moving. And for others, it’s families who, even if they were to leave, would have nowhere else to go.
Within a couple of hours of Mock leaving the war zone of Ukraine where he was visiting churches, an artillery shell hit the area and homes were destroyed. Mock has yet to hear if there were any deaths.
Churches risk it all to share Christ
Yet, despite this danger and destruction, churches are still ministering to both the physical and spiritual needs of the people in this area. Through SGA’s Crisis Evangelism Fund, SGA has been helping provide churches with the resources needed to reach out to people in the conflict zone.
“Our focus is on getting the Gospel, getting the message of hope to people who seemingly have no hope. Not just coming to them in word but coming to them in deed, equipping these churches so that they can come with necessary food aid, sometimes emergency medicine, and also, with the message of the Gospel.”

SGA Crisis Evangelism Fund. (Image by SGA)
Currently, the funds in the Crisis Evangelism Fund are being distributed to at least 30 churches in this region. It’s important to note, though, that these churches include those on both the Ukrainian and Russia sides. SGA knows that regardless of nationality, everyone needs Christ.
“I’m excited that people who support this ministry through SGA can know that their funds are being used by faithful believers to make a profound impact for the sake of the Gospel and for the sake of Jesus,” Mock shares.
How to help
Thinking about giving to the Crisis Evangelism Fund? Then know that SGA prefers to use these funds overseas. That means the ministry works hard to make sure the maximum amount of each dollar donated is given to these church partners for ministry. Supplies are then purchased by the churches in-country, oftentimes in the communities they’re serving in.
Will you consider giving to SGA’s Crisis Evangelism Fund and help these churches reach their broken country people with both physical needs and Christ? Click here to donate!
And either way, please pray. Pray for these churches to persevere, for hearts to be open to the Gospel, and for the fighting to end soon. And please, pray for the families living in this conflict zone to remain safe and to be transformed by Christ’s love.
Check in tomorrow to learn about the courageous story of two 23-year-old men who have given up their lives to serve the people of Ukraine’s conflict zone in Christ’s name.