India (MNN) — Mother's Day is right around the corner. Need a cool way to celebrate mom?
Why not extend her legacy halfway around the globe?
Donna Glass with
India Partners says her mom taught her how to sew.
"To honor my mom by making sure that somebody else had a sewing machine–and that they could pass that skill on to their children–I can't think of a better way to honor her," says Glass.
India Partners' tailoring schools teach underprivileged women how to sew. This way, instead of turning to day labor or prostitution, women can provide and care for their families in a safe way.
"Instead of earning less than a dollar a day, they start earning two and three dollars a day to help support themselves and their families," explains Glass.
Finding work as a day laborer isn't a reliable source of income. And if the tailoring school weren't there, Glass says prostitution would become the only viable option. Sometimes they're tricked into going to the big city to "look for work," when really they're being trafficked to a brothel.
"Then [they] have no hope because they basically have become slaves to the pimps in the red-light districts," Glass says.
Four tailoring schools operated by India Partners offer free sewing lessons and practical job skills. Training takes place six times a week for six months.
"They learn how to sew basic clothes; they learn how to do embroidery," says Glass. And, "They learn basic business practices."
Best of all, they also learn about salvation through Jesus Christ.
"The day begins with prayer, and there is time for reflection," Glass explains. "The Gospel is shared not just through the actual Word from the Bible and prayer, but in the examples of Christ being lived out through their teachers and through the gifts of the program."
Upon completion of the program, women receive proof of certification and their very own hand-powered sewing machine. It's a luxury most women in the program could never afford.
"It brings them so much hope, knowing that somebody cares," says Glass.
Click here to make an eternal difference and extend mom's legacy halfway around the globe. Just select "Sewing Machines" from the drop-down list.
Pray that women will find hope in Christ's love. Pray that they will see their value as they create beautiful projects.