U.S. (MNN) – When Jim Shannon took a severance package from the hospital he worked at, he was looking forward to a year-long sabbatical, compliments of a non-compete clause. However, about halfway through this sabbatical, God nudged Shannon to explore a different genre of work — ministry
From Finance to Ministry
Shannon, a graduate of Liberty University, spent 30 years in finance working in positions such as a financial controller, Chief Financial Officer, and a Division Chief Financial Officer. He planned to return to this work once the non-compete clause expired. At least, that was his plan. Then, his missions pastor at the time invited him to a Perspectives on the World Christian Movement class.
The 15-week class on the state of missions and evangelism crushed many of Shannon’s misconceptions. He grew excited about God’s work within and through the Church on a global scale. A passion sprouted in Shannon to rapidly train leaders, both locally and globally.
“God is doing an unprecedented work in this generation, and the church is advancing triumphantly all around the world. It brought to my mind an uncle of mine, who, at the time of World War II, he was underage. He lied about his age, and he got into the Navy,” Shannon explains.
“I remember as a kid asking him, ‘why did you do that?’ I’ll never forget his answer. He told me he knew that this was going to be the defining event of his lifetime and that it was unthinkable not to be engaged in it.”
Convicted, Shannon started pursuing ministry work as a lay-leader at his church. Eight years later, after numerous short-term missions trips and asking God to lead him, Shannon is the new CEO of e3 Partners.
The Three Es
e3 Partners stewards movements of rapidly multiplying evangelism training and discipleship. This work is happening across the globe, including within the United States. Through local indigenous leaders, more leaders are trained to “run hard for the Kingdom”. The scale of work e3 is involved with is exactly what Shannon has longed to see.
The three Es in e3’s name also relay its vision in missions. The ministry exists to equip God’s people for evangelism and establishing healthy, multiplying churches through partnerships with indigenous churches.
The short version–e3 equips, evangelizes, and establishes.
Ministry Requires a Deep Abiding
However, e3’s work has brought Shannon’s attention back to the U.S., where he says the Church desperately needs to do a better job of training and multiplying disciples.
“We’re really good at giving people a lot of knowledge, a lot of spiritual knowledge. But we’re not so good at obedience,” Shannon notes.
Shannon explains a “yes” to God and Kingdom work starts with a deep abiding in Him first. Shannon has learned first-hand how saying “yes” to God takes a person to a place of great dependence on Him and the end of their resources.
“As long as you’re consistently inviting Him in, He’s going to make provision for your calling. I found that peace can be conditional. You can get really stressed out in ministry, but when you’re working, fighting deeply, and you’re following His call and trusting His provision, it can be a pretty serene existence,” Shannon says.
“When you think about God’s economy it can feel pretty counterintuitive because sacrificial obedience to God’s call can actually be the most self-interested act that you could possibly make. My advice is just [to] do yourself a favor and say yes. Abide deeply. Seek the call of God, and then say yes.”
Saying “Yes”
Perhaps your yes involves e3 Partners.
“The Great Commission is the church’s responsibility. As followers of Christ, it’s yours, and it’s mine…e3 is asking for permission to come alongside you, or to come alongside your church, to help you achieve your goals.”
E3 does this through three specific tracks: training, mobilizing, and media.
The ministry facilitates hundreds of short-term trips each year. It assists churches in mobilizing missionaries abroad and domestically. It also produces and distributes media content through its “I Am Second” platform.
“At the end of the day, we package all that up into…this comprehensive strategy that we call the Great Commission pipeline,” Shannon says.
Will you let e3 come beside you to help accomplish goals to further the Great Commission?
To connect with e3, click here.
Header photo courtesy of e3 Partners