USA (MNN) — A spiritual freedom ministry seeks a long-term impact in the United States.
Set Free helps captives of sin become disciples of Christ through a series of what the ministry calls “freedom appointments.” Using a biblical process outlined by Neil Anderson, Gospel workers at Set Free USA help people escape habitual sin and find freedom in Christ. More about that here.
Set Free leaders recently asked themselves a series of tough questions.
First, “we look at the freedom appointment as the “putting-off” process,” Set Free’s Pete Noor says.
“We’re putting off the flesh, but how do we maintain that? What’s the next step?”
For example, “some people [struggle] with addictions, and we know that, often, addictions are not overcome quickly,” Noor continues.
Whatever sin you struggle to overcome, the Bible offers hope. You can be free of habitual sin and maintain that freedom with the Holy Spirit’s help. Set Free USA’s new “Walking Free” program can teach you how.
“We had our first Freedom in Christ course under this new Walking Free initiative over the summertime [and] over 30 people enrolled. They bonded together, and they want to continue,” Noor says.
“Some participants [are] saying, ‘Wow, I want my church to go through this. This is something that our small group would be blessed by.’”
Walking Free is in the early stages of development, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get involved. Connect with Set Free USA here to learn more.
“We’re developing internal courses and making external partnership connections. We want to have churches we can refer people to if they don’t have their own home church currently,” Noor says.
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