United States (MNN) — Today we’re sharing the final part of Jonathan’s story. If you remember, he was heavily addicted to drugs and was pursuing anything he thought might make his life full. He recently went through counseling with Set Free Ministries and is freed from this addiction through the power of Christ. He’s sharing his story with the hopes that he might help somebody else who is struggling.
He says, “People who do stumble and are going through whatever spiritual bondage they’re in, whether it be drugs or occult or depression or whatever, there is a way to be free from it, and that is through Jesus Christ, and that’s the only way to be free from it.”
Jonathan had heard of Jesus in the past, but he didn’t have a personal, growing relationship with Him. He let other things get in the way. Jonathan’s painful past and the emotion towards those who had hurt him had a powerful hold over him.
“Letting go of all the bitterness is really what helped me. All the bitterness I held towards my mother and my dad, when I finally just let it go and gave them up to the Lord, I’m not angry any more. And I was a very bitter person for a long time.”
Pete Noor of Set Free Ministries says this isn’t unusual: “Probably that’s the most important step for a lot. I would say most of individuals who are struggling with various issues, [it’s] forgiveness, [it’s] finding who in their life has hurt them, how it made them heal, and then basically making the choice to forgive and giving it to God.”
Jonathan says the change in his life is so evident, even friends are noticing. When they ask him why he’s not angry anymore, he says, “Well, I found God!”
It’s important to remember there’s a difference between forgiving and forgetting. For Jonathan, it’s not about forgetting at all. In fact, he thinks forgetting might make you slip back into how things were before.
“Honestly, I think there’s a beauty in that. Because, not forgetting reminds you of how far you’ve come,” he says.
He’s been able to reconcile with his dad, and while their relationship isn’t perfect, he’s giving the glory to God for what healing has taken place. In addition, he recognizes God has graciously healed him from his depression, and possibly from other ailments as well.
Looking back, Jonathan can see how the enemy made sin and pleasures of this world look beautiful. But the reality is it brought him to despair and brokenness. He says he has tried everything in the book, but absolutely nothing filled the emptiness he felt — nothing brought him joy, until he gave his life to Jesus.
So, for anyone who is on a similar search, he says, “Give Christ a chance, because He’s not going to let you down. Everything else that you could possibly think you will find that will fill that void — it will fail you every time. But the one thing that won’t is the Lord. Jesus Christ will never fail you, and that is the utmost truth.”
If you’re interested in learning more, consider contacting Set Free Ministries here.
In addition, please pray for guidance and strength for Jonathan. Ask God to guide his journey and use him to help others.