International (MNN) — You may have heard the term “spiritual warfare” before, but do you know how it works?
Dave McIntyre with Set Free Global, a division of Set Free, says of the general Christian population, “We are very ignorant about how spiritual warfare is conducted in a biblical way.”
McIntyre says believers’ and church leaders’ understanding of spiritual warfare typically falls into two camps. “One side has a very unbiblical worldview [and] believes that Satan is a spiritual concept of moral evil,” he explains.
“People are entrenched in a very secular, nonbiblical worldview that believes the spiritual realm is some far-off place; it’s kind of ethereal and unreal. Then, there’s the other side, which goes hog wild into all kinds of unbiblical teaching regarding spiritual warfare.”
For example, in many African nations, “They’ve been steeped in witchcraft for generations; it is their worldview, and they are deathly afraid of the enemy,” McIntyre says.
“They don’t know how to fight, and the pastors are the first ones to call for help.”
Unfortunately, the pastors don’t always know how to fight either. That’s where Set Free Global steps in to help. McIntyre is developing a virtual training program that will lead to in-person workshops. Pray the program can be completed and implemented quickly.
“That is what I’m all about this year: trying to get everything we do and teach in an electronic format that I can send anywhere in the world,” McIntyre says. “Pray that the enemy will not be able to interfere with this training process.”
Header image depicts armor used in physical warfare. Ephesians 6:10-20 describes the armor needed for spiritual warfare. (Photo courtesy of awsloley/Pixabay)