International (MNN) — Worldwide, there are an estimated 163 million orphans. Bright Hope International currently serves over 2,000 orphans and vulnerable children in the poorest regions of the world.
For the month of November, known by many in the U.S. as "National Adoption Month," Bright Hope is celebrating and advocating for these children with their "Orphan Day" Campaign.
Not only is the ministry using the campaign to encourage believers to be Christ's hands and feet by getting involved with Orphan Sunday (November 6), but they have created an entire list of creative ways for you to help increase the number of children they reach.
Whether you are a church, group, or individual, Bright Hope has ways for you to serve, support, and impact the poorest of orphans:
• Make a donation: You can donate online at BrightHope.org to support Bright Hope's work serving orphans in Haiti and Africa.
• Run a Hope Pack Campaign: Hope Packs are hand-decorated boxes full of school and hygienic supplies plus a Bible in the child's native language. Bright Hope distributes these through their local indigenous partners. Filling and decorating Hope Packs is a fun and meaningful activity that has a direct impact on a child. It costs $30 to sponsor a box. The cost to fill a box with your own supplies is $15 per box. Supplies include: pens, pencils, erasers, pencil sharpeners, memo notebook, crayons, soap, tissues, toothbrush, toothpaste, Band-Aids, T-shirt, and a small toy.
• Orphan Day Offering: Dedicate an offering, or have a special collection toward serving the needs of orphans.
• Sponsor a Feeding Program: As a long-term partnership, your church or group can adopt one of Bright Hope's numerous feeding programs that serve orphans in some of the poorest regions in the world.
• Engage Friends and Family: November 6 is Orphan Sunday, but Bright Hope is using the whole month to serve as Orphan Awareness Month. Join them using Facebook and Twitter to share information about orphans around the world.
• Take Immediate Action: Text BHOPE to 85944 to instantly give $10 towards helping these children.
To learn more about any of the above, please visit the Orphan Day tab on the Bright Hope Web site. For more information on Bright Hope and how you can help those living on less than $1 a day across the world, visit BrightHope.org, or call 224.520.6100.