Int’l (MNN) – AMG International serves people in need in a variety of capacities. One of their main focuses is to provide better opportunities for impoverished children. They do this through their Bridge to Life sponsorship program. But this Christmas, there is a special way to supplement this program in a way that helps children not only hear about Jesus, but see examples of his love.

(Photo courtesy AMG International)
“Christmas is a special time of year for all of us, and it’s a special time for all the children and [leprosy] sufferers and national workers and everybody that we support around the world,” AMG’s President and CEO Tasos Iaonnidis says.
He explains that the Christmas project they do, called Bundles of Love, is actually a great way to reach out to entire communities. Each child they serve receives a valuable gift of items that they can use throughout the year.
“It’s a very special Christmas present that reminds them in a very tangible way that there are people who care for them and love them.
“It’s also a very special opportunity because … these events take place during special celebrations that are organized in the different projects around the world. And families and community members are invited. So, it’s a great opportunity to present the message of the Gospel not only to the children, but to family members, for some of them, to community members. And in this very clear presentation of the Gospel, we have seen seeds that have brought much fruit.”

(Photo and header photo courtesy of AMG International)
The Bundles of Love is a great example of how AMG is following Jesus’ example of providing for the physical and spiritual needs of people. By meeting people where they are at, the Gospel message can be readily shared.
And because AMG is an international ministry, the types of gifts the children receive around the world vary.
“Each Bundle of Love is customized for the area in which we serve and for the children’s needs in that particular project,” Ionnidis says. One child might need a winter coat where another child will need a summer school uniform. Other gifts could be school supplies, toys, and if they don’t already have a copy, the Bible.
Plus, the gifts are purchased local to each ministry location. That means the local economy and local businesses are benefited through this Christmas project, as well.
If you’d like to give a Christmas Bundle of Love, it’s not too late. Click here for more information, and see the donation button the left panel.
And if you’d like to partner with AMG year-round, consider sponsoring a child. You can learn more about that, here.
And no matter what, this is an opportunity to pray: “Pray, of course that as the children [receive these gifts] and as the messages are presented in the special celebrations that we will be able to present the Gospel very clearly to others that are there and that people will respond to the message of the Gospel, that they will see this as an example of Christ’s love and they will focus on the ultimate gift that God gave us which was the person of Jesus, and that the message that is planted will bear fruit this Christmas.”